Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Debtors profile as on 14.12.2011: (All figures in INR)
Abhishek Roy: Rs. 25,000
Shilpa More Advocate: Rs. 33,000 (promised to give back 23,000 in about 45 days)
Sheetal Bondre: Rs. 2,000
Bhadresh Trading Corporation Ltd: Rs. 1,620 (550+470 taxi to and fro airport, 600 TA/DA for one day in Kutch)

Update: Profile as on 07.01.2012:
Abhishek Roy: Rs. 0
Shilpa More Advocate: Rs. 23,000 (Rs. 10,000 written off as expenses)
Sheetal Bondre: Rs. 0
Bhadresh Trading Corporation Ltd: Rs. 1,620 (550+470 taxi to and fro airport, 600 TA/DA for one day in Kutch)
Bank of Baroda: LFC (LTC) tour for Rajasthan: Claim amount approximately Rs. 13,000